Tuesday 29 January 2013

Busy Busy

Aaaand I'm back. After a fabulous few weeks I am spending this week planning and preparing for the upcoming school year. Room 7 is slowly starting to turn from a mess into a classroom. Displays are going onto walls, desks are being organised and planning is beginning- yay! I love this time of year, whilst busy, it is full of hope and anticipation. Not long until I meet all of the students and their families properly. 

With this in mind I have made a slideshow to show the class on the first day. It is my pepeha- a visual display of who I am and where I come from. I have tried something new and exported it using quicktime so that I could upload it here. Some of the transitions are not perfect and I noticed a spelling error (Whangarei needs a capital rrrr) but I thought that you may like to take a look. Let me know what you think. 

The students in Room 7 will be creating their own pepeha later in the year too so keep an eye out for these. 

Aroha nui,

Whaea Jenny

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Who says teachers have massive holidays?

Welcome to Room 7's Blog for 2013!

I am Jenny Hunter (Whaea Jenny to students) and will be the class teacher this year. 

After a relaxing 3 week break holiday I'm back into school this week. Whilst it may seem a little early- judging by the ghost town at school (not even the caretaker is back); I have two reasons for this. 

1) I am SUPER excited to get into my new room and start getting ready for my awesome class of 2013. 


2) I am actually planning on having going away again next week and do not want to be stacked up with work! 

Today I spent about six hours at school and think that I am finally happy with the classroom layout. Tonight I have spent about 2 hours cutting bits and pieces for wall displays. This of course is followed by a mandatory pinterest browse (I have been pinning heaps to my 'teach me' board the last few days), which has reminded me that I wanted to get a blog started. Hopefully you won't see too much of me on this blog and it will be filled with the amazing work of my 34 students. 

A blog is a great way to keep in touch with what is happening in Room 7, so I encourage all parents/ whānau and students to visit the blog on a regular basis. I know that you will be amazed by all the wonderful things that the students in Room 7 get up to. I know I will! 

Here's to a productive week and hopefully good weather for camping next week. 

Aroha nui,

Whaea Jenny