Tuesday 28 May 2013

Pentagons Wednesday 29th of May

Hey Pentagons...

Today we learnt about reversing to solve missing factor questions. Use a calculator to solve these problems. To make it easier for me to mark can you please write out the WHOLE question? Thanks!

Circles Fast Finishers Work Wednesday 29th of May

If you have finished the check-in assessment sheet that I want you to do then please work on the following questions. I want you firstly to practice using standard written form- if you get stuck you may work with a partner but you made such GOOD progress yesterday I am pretty confident in all of you.

1) 25x42

2) 41x32

3) 92x11

4) 63x73

5) 49x28

Once you have done these check you answers on a calculator. Did you get them all correct? If not work backwards and see where you went wrong, was it your basic fact knowledge or a strategy error? Just to make sure that you have go the strategy sorted do one more...

6) 77x34

Got it now? Great!!

Next we need to do some more practice of tidy numbers strategy. Remember that this strategy is about changing one number so that it is easier to work with. See your books for some more help (we did this a few weeks ago now!)

7) 39x33

8) 54x18

9) 33x57

10) 41x62

How did you go? Check with a partner and see did you make the same numbers tidy? Did you remember to add on or take off? Check you answers with a calculator and see how you went.

Are you done? You are AMAZING! Work on maths quest my awesome circles group.


Saturday 25 May 2013

Triangles work Tuesday 28th May- FAST FINISHERS

If you managed to get all of the mulitplication questions complete then work on the game from the link below. Before you work on the game can you please mark the previous work using a calculator so you can see how you went.

Here is the link:

Triangles Tuesday 28th May Multiplying decimals

Hey Team

You are doing so well with your maths at the moment- you should be proud of your efforts. This work is a follow up from yesterday's work where we learnt to multiply decimals by ignoring the decimal point and then putting it back. Complete these easy questions and if you get them done then move on to the fast finishers work.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Triangle's Work (Fast Finishers)

Hey champs! Sorry for yesterdays mucky session, if you have finished your work from yesterday, here is some more for today using B.E.D.M.A.S.

Have a go at the challenge, looks pretty fun!!

Tuesday 21 May 2013

Circle's Work 22nd of May

Heres some work for you legends! Remember to show all your working!
Get ready for a catch up with Mr. Daly after!

Go you!

Triangle's Work 22nd May

Fantastic work yesterday mathletes!
Yesterday you learnt to solve equations using conventional order of operations or B.E.D.M.A.S.
Solve these equations using the strategy you have learnt:

Pentagon's Work Wednesday 22nd May

Alright legends! After you have finished your work with Mr. Daly, complete this work using the strategy you have just learnt. Make sure that you show all your working, so that you can go back and see how you have solved these.

There is extra work below for you speedy people!

Well done speedy, now work these out! :)

Sunday 19 May 2013

Circle's Work Tuesday 21st May

Hey you EPIC mathletes!
Here is your work for today after seeing me. Remember to show all your working!
You guys are really fantastic learners, and it's an absolute pleasure teaching all of you! :)

Good work speedy! :)

Circles Work Monday 20th May

Here is your work for today Circles, please make sure that you show all your working.
And have a go at the challenge, remember to extend yourself.

Triangles Work Monday 20th May

Hey you awesome bunch.
After your work with Mr. Daly you have this work to complete.

Make sure you show your working! :)

Pentagons work Tuesday 21st May 2013

Yay! You are making such good progress in your learning about decimals. Today practice dividing these decimals using the strategy of ignoring that Mr Daly taught you on Monday.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Pentagon work Thursday

Practice this in your maths books today! Make sure you show your working!
When you are done you must mark using your calculator and fix your mistakes.
Once you have finished all of this, you may go to this link:

Great work you wonderful people!! 

Triangles Work Wednesday for after Mr Daly

After seeing Mr Daly then you get to work on this amazingly fun work!! Yesssss!!

When you are done share you work with a partner and check your answers with them.

When done please go back and see if you have any unfinished work from this week. If not then work on maths quest.

Circles Wednesday 15th May READ THIS FIRST.

Hi Circles

You did some great stuff yesterday- well done. We quickly went over the strategy of solving division problems by reversing them to multiplication. Whilst this work was really easy strategy it will get harder and will set you up with some good strategies for harder numbers.

Today we want you to quickly work through these questions. They should be quite simple and you should get them done quickly.

When you are done I want you to make sure that you have finished all the work for your group this week. If you have finished it all then I want you to mark your work using a calculator. Anything that you got wrong I want you to fix up any mistakes you made.

When you are done then you may work on mathsquest.


Saturday 11 May 2013

Pentagons Wednesday 15th May- Dividing Decimals

Hey there Awesome-one!

Today more maths we are learning how to divide decimals. After you have had the teaching from Whaea Jenny then work on the following questions.

Remember that you need to show how you solved the question so that there is evidence that you are using the strategy correctly.

Whaea Jenny

Pentagons Fast finishers- Monday 13 May

If you have finished all of the maths questions from the previous post the do the following things in the following order...

1) Mark your work using a calculator
2) Correct any questions you got wrong by looking at your working and seeing where you made a mistake. Show evidence of correction.
3) Give yourself a high-five for working so hard!
4) Play this game with a partner or on your own: http://www.coolmath-games.com/decimals-cruncher/decimals-cruncher-multiplication.htm 

Boom! You are awesome!

Pentagons Maths Monday 13th May- Multiplying Decimals

Answer these questions and show your working in your maths book. Make sure that you show evidence of how you got the answer.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Maths Quest Competition

Room 7 are entering MathsQuest! It is mathematics competition based around research and creating a poster. We are going to work on this on Fridays and during maths time (occasionally).  The link for the competition is: http://www.nzamt.org.nz/the-maths-quest/year-7-maths-quest-guidelines

There are ipad minis and other things to be won. I hope we do well!!

Sunday 5 May 2013

Circles Monday work: Fast finishers

Hey speedy. Great work! If you are done then complete this work here- enjoy!

Circles Monday Work (13th May 2013)

You have been learning about trebling and thirding with Mr Daly today. Now see if you can solve these problems! Make sure you show how solved them in your books. Mr Daly will help if needed.

Triangles Fast Finishers Monday 13th May

If you are in the triangles group and have completed the work from the previous post then mark your work using a calculator. If you made any mistakes show the working that would correct the mistake in RED pen. Then see if you can find some buddies and play the follow game.

Triangles maths Monday 13th May

Yesterday you had teaching on using the strategy of tidy numbers to solve multiplication questions. Solve these questions and then see the fast finishers post when done.

Circles Maths TUESDAY 7th of May

On Monday you would of had teaching using the strategy of doubling and halving to solve mulitplication questions. If you did not finish the work on the blog yesterday work on that, if you did then work on the questions below: 

Triangles Maths Monday 6th of May 2013

Today I want you as a group to show me what you know about using tidy numbers as a strategy. Work together on A3 paper to answer these questions using the strategy of tidy numbers.

Circles Maths Monday 6th May 2013

Class Maths:

Into you maths books please. REMEMBER that the working is crucial: I want to see that you can use the strategy of halving and doubling to make mulitplication questions easier. 

When done hand your maths book in to me (on small table) and then independent time: read novel, science badges etc.