Thursday 27 June 2013

Circles: Friday 28th June

You have just had some teaching with me about symmetry and reflection.

Complete task card 1 and 2 into your maths book by first copying the image and then answering the question.

For good extension see if you can read this and make sense of it- you should be able to it is fairly easy stuff. If you can then answer the questions below.

Triangles: Friday 28th June LOTS OF WORK HERE- see how you go

Yesterday we learnt about translations and how to state what translation has been made. We can use these understandings to make translations also.

Work in your maths book to complete these translations:

Once you are done then do this extension reading and see if you can understand translation vectors. If you can then answer the questions to 28 and 29 in your maths book. Good luck- this is level 5 maths!

Pentagons Finishers Work: Friday 28th of June

Once you are finished with the work from yesterday I want you to extend and apply your learning.

Using your knowledge of how to construct triangles can you make a geometrically perfect net for a triangular prism? Use scrap paper to create your net.

What about an equilateral pyramid?

Create and decorate but you MUST make this manageable. This is work that you will not necessarily carry over to next week.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Fast Finishers: Circles Thursday 27th of June

If you have completed the previous sheet then draw these 3D shapes. Are you now able to do so without ISO paper- just straight into your math book?

Disregard the instructions on the sheet. Do as I ask:

Circles Work: Thursday 27th of June

WALT draw 3D shapes (using isometric paper to help).

Yesterday I taught you how to draw 3D shapes using isometric paper- remember create the diamond shape at the top of the shape.

Use the isometric paper I have given you to complete these questions:

Pentagons Work: Thursday 27th June

Today we learnt about constructing triangles. Use your understanding to construct these triangles using a compass and protractor.

Monday 24 June 2013

Circles Work: Wednesday 26th of June


What is a net? Why would we need to know how to draw nets? These are questions that we discussed and answered in our lesson yesterday. Today I want you to work on finishing the net learning before we move on to some more tricky work later in the session. Below is the sheet that some of you may have got to- can I please get you all working on this one now. Use scrap paper to follow the instructions to create a net.

Triangles Work: Geometry Wednesday 26th of June

Today we are learning to rotate objects. Firstly we learnt about rotating shapes and then finding the point of rotation. To do this we had to identify where a shape can rotate from (the rotation point) and then rotate according to the instructions.

If you do not get these completed today please work on them tonight for homework so I can check you understand this before moving on.

xx Whaea

To practice these skills can you please work on these questions in your maths book.

Monday 17 June 2013

Pentagons Friday 21st of June

Use your knowledge of the order of operations to solve these questions. 

Triangles work Friday 21st June 201

This work is fro Friday the 21st of June and is stage 8 work! You have worked right through stage 7 and this kind of work is well above the national standard- go you!!

Solve these questions in your maths book and make sure that you show your working really clearly.

Saturday 15 June 2013

Pentagons Tuesday Week 7: Follow up Work

Prior to moving on I want to check you ability to solve these questions.

1) Solve these division questions using at least two strategies. Write your answer as a remainder, fraction or decimals

a) 549 ÷ 9=

b) 643 ÷ 8=

c) 782 ÷ 7=

d) 3429 ÷ 21=

e) 1290 ÷ 33=

2) Solve these multiplication questions- If you can extend yourself to use at least two strategies:

a) 2.3 x 4.5=

b) 23.1 x 3.1=

c) 5.4 x 43.3=

d) 17.34 x 8.1

3) Solve these division questions:

a) 8.1 ÷ 0.9=

b) 4.2 ÷ 0.7=

c) 64.8 ÷ 1.6=

d) 30.6  ÷ 0.06=

5) When complete please mark yourself using a calculator. 

Monday 3 June 2013

Circles Work: Week 6

I know that some of you started this sheet and you were practicing using partitioning to solve. Please work on this today to get you started. I will meet with you and go over a new strategy. Check back in your maths books how to solve these types of questions.

Start from where you finished last time.

Triangles Follow-up Work: Week 5 DO THIS FIRST

These are some quite tricky questions. See how you go with them. Remember to make it easier on yourself by making the numbers whole.

National Standards Check-in

These questions have been designed to check that you are on track to achieving the National Standard in mathematics.

Question One:

 It is 110km from Auckland to Tauranga.

It is 90km from Greymouth to Westport.

How far have the Smith family travelled so far?

How far have the Hohepa family travelled?

Who has travelled the furtherest distance?

Question Two:
Tama has 4.95 litres of petrol in one can and 7.5 litres in the other. How much fuel does he have altogether?

He pours 3.2 liters out of the 4.95 litre can. How much is now left in that can?

Triangles/ Pentagons Follow Up Work: Week 5

Like the whole week, maths is going to blocked into some intensive longer blocks this week so that we can complete more work without getting interrupted.

I want to check your understanding of how to do a range of stage 7 and stage 8 strategies so that I can make sure there are not any gaps before we move on to algebra. 

Show your ability to solve these questions:

1) Solve these division questions using at least two strategies. Write your answer as a remainder, fraction or decimals

a) 549 ÷ 9=

b) 643 ÷ 8=

c) 782 ÷ 7=

d) 3429 ÷ 21=

e) 1290 ÷ 33=

2) Solve these multiplication questions using at least two strategies:

a) 23 x 71=

b) 812 x 12=

c) 992 x 21=

d) 272 x 44=

3) Solve these multiplication questions- If you can extend yourself to use at least two strategies:

a) 2.3 x 4.5=

b) 23.1 x 3.1=

c) 5.4 x 43.3=

d) 17.34 x 8.1

4) Solve these division questions:

a) 8.1 ÷ 0.9=

b) 4.2 ÷ 0.7=

c) 64.8 ÷ 1.6=

d) 30.6  ÷ 0.06=

5) When complete please mark yourself using a calculator. Then go on to the National Standards Check in Work (that is the title of the blog post).