Tuesday 9 July 2013

Triangles Work: Wednesday 10th July

Today we learn to construct triangles using a compass and a ruler.

Use your new learning in order to solve these problems:

Monday 8 July 2013

Triangles Follow-up Work: Tuesday 9th July

Hi Team

Yesterday we went over some of the fundamental rules of geometry:
-angles on a straight line add up to 180 degrees
-angles around a point add up to 360 degrees
-vertically opposite angles are equal

Use this knowledge to solve these questions.

Sunday 7 July 2013

Cirlces Work: Monday 8th July

Last week we learnt about translations and how to use coordinates to plot translations. So you remember how to plot them in a pair of brackets?? (left/right, up/down)

Complete this work below using your knowledge of translations.

Now I want you to work on these simple translations. Use coordinates to describe the movement of the shaded in shape to the empty shape position.

Monday 1 July 2013

Triangles Follow Up Work: Fast Finisher Wednesday

There was a lot of work on the blog yesterday and I did not expect that you completed it all. If you have managed to finish it WELL DONE! You must have worked really hard!! 

If you are done then please work on this fun activity: 

Have FUN!!

Pentagons Follow-up Work Wednesday 3 July

Hi team

you are making such speedy, accelerated progress! Here is your follow up work from today...

Now show your ability to combine this learning with what you learnt earlier in the week by construct some scale diagrams of triangles.

Circles Work: Wednesday 3 July

Hey group!

Who remembers what parallel and perpendicular lines area? I hope you all do as you need to prove your learning today in the following sheet today.

When done move on to this sheet here:

Triangles Follow Up work- Tuesday 2 July

Hi Team

We have just worked together on enlargements. Complete this work below. There is quite a lot of work here. You will have half a session today and a half a session tomorrow to complete this work. Any not done by tomorrow 2nd half of maths will become homework.

Pentagons Work: Tuesday 2 July- Loci and Locus

I've marked all of your books overnight and am really happy with how hard you are all working. Please make sure that you label all of your triangle sides next time.

Today I want you to work on this learning from yesterday about finding loci and locus.