Monday 25 March 2013

Whats in Sam's kete

hey guys and gals its Sam here. And this is whats in my kete the first slide is in that kete because the triathlon is a multidisciplinary event involving swimming, (the one I did) a bike ride (Tom rode for this part) and the run (Ethan ran this part). It belongs in this kete because I did a very long swim down tahuna beach it was really choppy and also quite challenging too (it was freezing!!!). The part about Quinneys Bush is my favorite place to go camping because there is a sweet river, the best playground,the awesome flying fox and water-slide and you can make new friends(and enemies)IT'S SO FUN!.                                                               -Sam XD

Whats in Xan's kete #2

I chose to do my kete in the form of a website because my parents work on computers and i enjy playing on them. In it you will find the kete of prayer, the kete of emotion and the kete of mental and physical challenges. Some of the things in it are: My two musical theatre exam certificates, my teddy bear collection, my unicyce and some other things that are precious to me. the websites address is I worked really hard and I  hope that you will enjoy it.

By Xan

Sunday 24 March 2013

Merlyn: Whats in my kete

This is my 'whats in my kete' presentation. When I was showing it to the class, I talked while it played, so I will provide a brief explanation. First there is my name, then 2 silhouettes of me in the air (from when I did the introduction). Next there is a picture of me and my family (kete of emotions). The other artifacts are: my chalk bag (I go to vertical limits climbing club) then a video of me climbing, then a video of a scorpion I made out of lego mindstorms (kete of mental and physical challenges), next is a bookcase (all of my family likes reading and writing, this probably goes in all three kete), then my Guitar (I have quite a musical family) and lastly is an organist I made using origami. This shows creativity, from the kete of mental and physical challenges and the kete of spirit (prayer).

Friday 22 March 2013

Krissy kete

This is the slideshow that i used for the 'whats in my kete?' In it there is a picture of my cast when i broke my arm in September last year. Next to it is the academic excellence award i received last year at primary. On the next thing is 2 pictures of my family - me, my siblings, my mum and Nigel my mums partner. In the other one is my dad. I also talked about my parents divorce.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Abbys Kete

This Powerpoint will include the things that make me who I am.

A glass penguin my and my mum got from Hoglund Glass 4 years ago. Blue Bunny nobody knows where blue bunny came from but its always been around. The hospital tags from when Iwas born. The cast from when I broke my arm in 2010 falling off my scooter and when I came to the hospital so they could check on my arm the docter said it was far too loose and pulled it off my arm.Shut the door a childrens book that I have had as long as I remember and had made my dad read it to me afew thousand times.

What's In Lachés Kete?

My kete

Lewi, my cat
So very humongously fat,
He sleeps all day and sleeps all night
Only getting up to have a bite,
You'll find him on the couch or in the sun
Watching him is so much fun,
Because he sleeps in the funniest ways
And is there for me on bad days.

My house and my bedroom, the environments I trust,
The places I to clear my head when it's full of dust,
Areas to plays sleep recharge and grow,
When I'm down, that's where I'll go,
Places of love, friendship, learning and fun,
And with family there, yarns are spun.

Family, loved ones, those who really care
When I'm down or feeling sad they always find a moment spare
To talk to me about my troubles and what could possibly help
Soothing me and calming me down, stopping my next yelp
My brother as always can get annoying but deep down we are best friends
My relationship with all my family definitely has no ends


This is my personal kete that is all about me and what has shaped me as a person. Hope you will enjoy and learn a lot about me. My three kete of knowledge show what is special to me and me only because know one in the world can be just like me.

Zo's kete

This is my kete. In my kete you will learn more about me, my culture, my family, my future aspirations...  enjoy! :)

Keegan's kete

In my kete I have decided to place things that I enjoy and have accomplished.There is a tent peg,two trophies,a cookbook,a signed hat signed by the Northern Knights at the back and a photo of my little brother.I think that these have shaped because I've grown up with them and others I've had to work very hard for.

Izis Kete

In Room 7 we have been learning about the three Kete.
1 the Kete of Emotions
2 the Kete of Mental and Physical Challenges
3 the Kete of Prayer
Here is is a picture of my persentation. My three Kete.

Escher's first blogpost!


Hi ! My name is Escher. Here is my video presentation that I created on iMovie. The first challenge you will see is the keyboard. I have started keyboard lessons this term, which I am LOVING. I learn really fast, I think my teacher can't keep up with me! The challenge is both mental and physical because I need to know where and what the notes are on the sheet of music.This means I have  to learn to read music well.
My favourite challenge by far is the mental challenge of the board game called Chess. I came fourth in a tournament and got a certificate of excellence for placing in the top 10 and a silver medal for my  old school coming second overall. I even made it into the newspaper !
Speaking of my old school, I got certificates over the years I was there. Leaving was by far the worst one!
Badminton is my second favourite sport.I also love table tennis, but didn't get a photo in time.
I love strategy games and puzzles such as rush hour  and sudoku.
My favourite subject at school is MATHS!!! 
In 2009 we went to Bali, where I went to a safari park and was able to handle reptiles.
A physical challenge this year has been to ride to school  every day for the first time!
My sister, Khailana taught our family how to play elastics. I got tangled up  !!
The last photo shows my dog Brynee. She is the most playful dog you can imagine.Taking her for a walk on a lead is really her taking ME for a walk!! 

Thank you for watching my movie. 

Louis three kete presentation

Hi my name is Louis and this is my three kete presentation the house down the bottom was my house in Lyttelton I lived there 9 years of my life, this has shaped me because it was not the most expensive but we looked after it really well (witch means I had to do a lot of housework).
The logo is from my old school which is closing at the end of the year. This shapes me because when we moved to Nelson to live I left behind all of my friends and lovely teachers. However my learning has improved because the quality of education has been better for me.
When I was five we went on our first tramp, we tramped the Heaphy Track, which is the longest great walk in New Zealand. This has shaped my culture because it has given me a love of the natural environment and native birds.
Aged 9 years my father bought me a diving suit. He then took me diving at Kaikoura to catch some paua.
This has shaped me because I had to face the challenge of holding my breath, diving down to the rocks and prizing the paua off with a paua knife.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Hazel's Puzzle

I tried to think of a creative and interesting way to  present my kete and hopefully I have.
I live in a nice christian home across the road from the Botanics with my Mum, Dad, my brother Sean, my cat Rosie and 
Cloud my rabbit.My first school was Auckland Point which is near the port.The next year I went to Nelson Central School that is allot closer to my house than my old school and was also much bigger.After my sixth  year there I had to start Intermediate which has proven to be exciting and a big change.Each of these words have a puzzle piece with it.All those pieces make up me!

Maya's kete

This is me with my What's in my Kete presentation. I put my artifacts on the bunting I made for my nana and poppa's 50th anniversary because I am very close to my nana and poppa and the flags are the first thing I have ever sewn.

Jenna's Kete

This is my kete. Our class had to make a presentation of artefacts on our culture and what has shaped us. We could present it just about any way we wanted. I put my artefacts in a kete, but some people made iMovies or posters. In my kete I had my playcentre profile books. I think that your infant years are very important, and my time at playcentre definitely shaped me. I also had my athletics certificates, from in 2010 when I came first in the inter schools for high jump, and third for long jump, and in 2012 I came first in high jump and long jump, and third in sprints. There is my ICAS certificate from when I got high distinction for writing in 2010. My great- grandad was a grocer, and he always wore an apron when he worked. I'm wearing one of the aprons he was saving to wear when his current one got old. It represents that my family believes in hard work. I'm holding an orange. Before my great-grandma came to New Zealand by boat, she'd never seen a banana before. She and her many siblings used to get a orange for Christmas every year, and she always described it as the highlight of the year.

Frankie's Kete

Hi there, my name is Frankie. This is my Kete presentation. Room Seven did this project, to share what our personal culture is, and our way of life. This is what was in my Kete of Emotions and my Kete of Mental and Physical challenges. Enjoy :)

Siobhan's Kete

I presented my kete by putting everything on because most of my artefacts were clothing.As I explained each item I took it off so that I finished with just me! Lots of people presented it in the same way although mine was unique because it had all of MY personal things that represent ME!

Eva's Kete

At school we had had to do a project called 'What's in my Kete??' It was about our personal culture and things that were special to us or represented us. We had to relate to the three Kete in our project - Kete Tuatea (the Kete of mental and physical challenges), Kete Tuari (the Kete of prayer) and Kete Aronui (the Kete of emotions). One of the things I wrote about was when I got christened into the Anglican Church. I also talked about my animals and their life experiences. I mentioned my family going for an exhausting tramp high in the mountains, me performing at the Theatre Royal. I wrote about two of my extend family who'd died but they were still special two me and a special bracelet that my Mum got when she was younger but I know where it. I also finished off with a special note from my Great Gran.
Thanks, Eva

Mackensey's Kete

 At School we had to make a kete to explain who we are etc. We had to have it fit the three kete: The kete of Mental and Psychical challenges, the kete of emotion and the kete of prayer.

This is the outside of my kete, it ha some sea shells that I've collected over time and some quotes that I live by to fit into the kete of prayer.

This is a picture of my big sister and my brother in-law on their wedding day and the bracelets I wore since I was the flower girl and this is in my kete of emotion because it has taught me to love and about culture.                                                                           
This is the inside of my kete it has a picture of me holding a snake my medals etc this covers mental and psychical challenges.

Olive's Kete

 In our class everyone had to make a presentation on whats in my Kete. We could choose what ever we wanted to make our presentation look personal and unique. I chose to make a video. Its full of my culture and  what makes me, me. 

What's in my kete? Ellie

Hi , this is my kete. I have a picture of a dragon as background because I have been reading the
Eragon series so I thought it would look cool .The things I included were pics of my family,where my ancestors come from and my recent pets for kete of emotion and for mental and physical challenges is my year 6 camp .i did Other things to like certificates and awards too.I hope you like my kete.

Maddy's kete presentation

In my kete I have somethings that have made me me. Like some certificates,photos and objects that are very special for me as you can see in this photo. One of my most special certificates is my trinity exam award sheet I got a high merit on 81 points.I have included all three kete, kete of prayer, kete of physical/mental challenges and kete of emotion. Thanks!

Lucy's Kete

On my Kete I have some photos and objects that are very special to me.I have my first dancing sash and medals. I also have photos of my family because they mean everything to me and most of the ones in nelson I see very often so we are a close family. There are some other photos like the one of my teddy bubbles that was given to me when I was born and my little kitten Louie who was born under our spare bed by the Neighbours cat.these things make me,me!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

  For my Kete I did a poster to present myself and who I am.I also enjoyed the art and drawing on my poster.
 For the Kete of emotions I have chose my family, because they are special to me and they have also shaped me. The French and German  flags represent my grandparents and cousins that live over seas.
For the Kete of physical and mental challenges I showed the judo medal I won at Lake Rotoiti and me finally managing to kiteboard at Tahunanui Beach.
For the Kete of prayer I picked global warming,because I like to recycle and bike in stead of  using  cars.

Whats in Xan's kete

I chose to do my presentation in the form of a website. you will find it at I worked hard on it and I hope you like it.

By Xan Twissell

Josh's Kete

In my kete is my special taonga necklace given to me by my Nana, 'Rusty' the racoon that I have owned since I was 1 and was given to me by my cousin, and a computer-controlled car that I designed in year 6. I also have a cross-country medal and photos and an odd sheep that I discovered in my wardrobe 3 years ago. These are important to me because they remind me of special times and people in my life.